Sunday, July 26, 2009

Disney Products Sydney

synergy between the various proposals urban_voids

urban_voids 29 urban_voids 18_19 / 20_25 connection of green

the underlying theme of urban design in this macro is that of "low density". How can we keep, ie, portions of land and the remaining natural, "as pockets" in the expansion of the city built. The proposals shall identify, as a whole, programs that connect to this trend and investigate cases of land use, and compatible programs to low density. With this in mind we propose a system infrastructure "software": the lack of Metro and tram are given a value. 'S only possible connection is consistent with this line is just a cycle-pedestrian path that includes the user to have a direct relationship with nature, no longer encompassed four walls of a wagon or a' car.

is undeniable that a connection in this environment is facilitated by the limited presence of artifacts antrpologici, so the goal is to make it more functional possibile.Al place to lay bare and untreated will rise a system of urban gardens that areas 18 -19 - 20 - 25 will serve to sustain the community itself, even from a financial point of view, while 29 will be in Starting the game for children in this way will have a touch less difficult with fruits and vegetables.

areas 18 to 19, 20 to 25 is provided that sets up a community capable of self-sufficiency based on free trade of the fruit of their coltivazioni.In a concept of "communitas" is however hoped that the new generation to be born 'inside of this reference have a greater social and cultural openness to mondo.In a time when it is easy to slip into a self-sufficient closed system to prevent their ideas in the community that settled in surrounding areas to catch the children from mingling with other trends that can not condivisibile.Dunque children will be the primary source of a flow of exchange between different worlds that minimized still speak a single language.


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