New concepts related to a genius loci purely Italian , Which have expanded gradually throughout the world. L 'I is no longer such, because pierced by thousands of lights, impressions, feelings, a vision in which man is no longer the center of himself, but only part of a much larger movement . Simultaneity of sound, light and shadow, at a time close to the two great wars, the backed at first then denigrated as a result.
The paintings live copresences between objects and subjects in which break means breaking up the plans and lines creating a unique principle of movement and dynamism. Faraway places are told sets because of different realities and therefore not bound by their very physicality, which reads like a 'dissatisfaction in order to limit the object itself, and in which the characters depicted are flexible and malleable, as if capable of absorbing the rhythms of their surroundings.
The sounds echo in the retina while the colors tell us about a research done by "moods" and "unique forms of continuity in space" .
Image: Umberto Boccioni - Horizontal Construction
(1): See . C. Salaris, "Futurism, the first avant-garde ", February 2009
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