The beginning of a real view from below, focused on discovering, along the way, space-no space ... absence and presence !.
The " PIERREBì " drafted in the sixth town hall is based on the concept of wanting to allow a child to move freely, so that knowledge can be developed for him very educational. Hence the desire to try design a public space, focusing on the dynamism that you can recreate in architecture, defragging those solid "pure" and the ways in which the children themselves have always had to do, allowing them to have a familiarity with what is currently facing, is a different vision of the ordinary. Integrate in a system made to suit them, but they thought they designed on the basis of their primary need: to be children !.
Based on the principle that "the city now dying from traffic, this project is based on an idea developed in Spain and Argentina, where children are those who will need to monitor the traffic situation. After the success abroad, it must be the publisher Francesco Tonucci the transposition of this "laboratory" in Italy, thanks to which you want to guarantee to children a greater awareness of what are their assets, also allowing the development of a citizenship from the earliest years of school (it is geared towards children aged 6 to 11 years). This initiative has had so successful that even the mayor of Rome has decided that it wishes to join, bringing the various municipalities to develop individual laboratories based on a "participatory planning" among architects and students of elementary schools, which led to the creation of some PIERREBì (zoning of boys and girls). Among the objectives of this new "city" there is also the intention of encouraging children to walk, thus preventing problems such as childhood obesity, and even sharpen their awareness of the environment, retraining those urban areas left abandoned and abandoned themselves. It therefore seems appropriate that the investment is to develop, as children
"are not a cost but an investment!"
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