Area 2 seems to be a small and short extension of Villa Lazzaroni that is slightly earlier along Via De Cesare, and the context urban environment is not as if he were interested in seeing the same buildings around it does not surpass that much. It is therefore a 'free area fairly open, with a nice row of orange "bitter" (you can guess by breaking the leaf) along Via Marina which faces an even more sympathetic character who dispenses marriage proposals (ask my colleague !) and other types of advice. Along Via Baronio the area is being raised about a meter and here you can find the stop of ATAC, the 628, which connects the area to Villa Madama, thus creating a theoretical continuity between those two green areas, although our both much smaller! The same route is also feasible via the subway, there being a stop Furio Camillo Baronius and the intersection of Via Appia Nuova. The comings and goings of people and machines of the latter seems a stranger to this' area, perhaps due to a limited accessibility to private and a not so excessive amount of parking, and despite that undermines dell'autofficina a bit 'about abusive and perhaps more in the soil, the trees are the true stars of this UrbanVoid s .
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